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About Tiziana Mazziotto

Tiziana's artistic inspiration is drawn from the natural patterns and effects created by the inevitable decay of man-made and natural surfaces all around us.  While many see evidences of disintegration such as rust, lichen, peeling paint, and crumbling masonry as jarring and unpleasant, She finds fascination in the development of random and natural evolutions that gradually replace what came before. 

These patterns and textures, when observed with the artistic eye, exhibit the organic and ever-changing beauty present in nature.  In fact, they represent the inexorability of nature’s triumph over permanence, and the endless possibilities and fascination in impermanence itself.  In decomposition’s side effects can be found recomposition’s beauty.

Good news! My studio was selected by the curator/gallerist Michael Foley as one of his top 10 "must see" studios during GOS2019!! 
All images and text copyright Tiziana Mazziotto
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